To ensure the integrity of your machine condition monitoring sensors, CTC provides the following calibration services:
CTC Line Sensor Calibration Services
All CTC Line vibration sensors include a free CA10 calibration certificate upon shipment. CTC takes the time to perform the rigorous array of tests that every product must go through before it may be qualified for shipment to a customer. This includes the standard calibration certification, bias voltage verification, and a helium soak leak test to ensure that the sensor is hermetically sealed.
We also offer additional calibration services for CTC Line vibration sensors. Below is a full list of our calibration offerings. Upgraded calibration certificates may be ordered at the time of sensor purchase. Additionally, all CTC line sensors may be returned at any time to be recalibrated to any of the offerings listed below:
- CA10: Single Point Calibration at 100 Hz, NIST Traceable - $50.00 USD per sensor
- CA11: Frequency Step Calibration 10 - 10,000 Hz, NIST Traceable - $105 USD per sensor
Please note, CA11 is only available for single-axis sensors
- CA12: Frequency Step Calibration 10 - 15,000 Hz, NIST Traceable up to 10,000 Hz - $130.00 USD per sensor
Please note, CA12 is only available for single-axis sensors
- CA13: Frequency Sweep Calibration 10 - 10,000 Hz, NIST Traceable - $185.00 USD per sensor
Please note, CA13 is only available for single-axis sensors
- CA14: Frequency Sweep Calibration 10 - 15,000 Hz, NIST Traceable up to 10,000 Hz - $210.00 per sensor
Please note, CA14 is only available for single-axis sensors
Please note, discounts cannot be applied to calibration fees.
Sending Your Sensor Back for Recalibration
If you wish to send a sensor back for recalibration, please submit for an RMA prior to returning your sensors. All recalibration fees must be paid via credit card.
CTC Connect Line Wireless Sensor Calibration Services
All CTC Connect Line wireless vibration monitoring sensors include the following calibration certificate upon shipment:
- All WS Series ConnectSensTM Wireless Sensors
CW10: Single-point step calibration for wireless sensors at 100 Hz and a single-point temperature calibration at 20 °C. For triaxial wireless sensors, the 100 Hz calibration is performed on the Z axis.
Please note, CTC Connect Line Wireless Sensors do not qualify for free annual recalibration. Recalibration service is available for an additional fee.