We strive to keep the CTC website accurate and free from errors to provide the best possible user experience for CTC distributors, customers, and partners.

We thank you for taking the time to report the issue you are experiencing so that we can quickly fix the problem, and we apologize for any inconvenience this error has caused you.

Our dedicated IT team monitors all submissions made using the following form to ensure your issue is satisfactorily resolved in a timely manner.

Please complete the following form with as much detail as possible, and include screenshots of any errors/notifications, etc. using the upload link at the bottom of the form, so that we may best assist you:


Describe in detail the problem or error that occurred. Examples: the date and time the error or issue was encountered, URLs of specific webpages where the error or issue was encountered

Describe what you were trying to do when the problem occurred. Please be as specific as possible. Examples: Logging into Distributor account, submitting online form, accessing online resources, etc.

Accepted image formats are png, jpg, and gif.

CTC corporate logo with a brushed steel texture
7939 Rae Boulevard
Victor, NY 14564 USA
+01 585.924.5900
Send POs To:
[email protected]
Contact a Sales Rep:
[email protected]