Reverse Mount Probe Housing
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CTC offers the PRO Line DM91000 reverse mount proximity probe housing assembly, designed to protect important proximity probe instruments in harsh manufacturing conditions. Easily adjust the gap between the machine shaft and probe without shutting down a machine.
pictured above - DM91000 proximity probe reverse mount housing exterior | this assembly allows eddy current probes to be mounted as deeply into machines as 29.2 inches
The DM91000 assembly has an aluminum body and seal with Viton® O-rings. The 316L stainless steel adjustable probe mounting sleeve is specifically designed to hold up against extremely harsh industrial environments. The reverse mount comes pre-assembled with or without a probe. All that is required in the field is to remove a cover to access probe wiring and gap adjustment.
The most important part, the proximity probe itself, threads into the bottom of the adjustable sleeve. Note: the sleeve length is determined at the time of ordering.
pictured above - DM91000 proximity probe reverse mount housing interior
Then the sleeve is attached to the base which has been mounted to the exterior of the machine in position for the final monitoring adjustments. The sleeve and probe are then adjusted to meet the proper gap requirements for proper eddy current monitoring of the shaft. After this, the probe cable is fed through and exits through one of the side access holes in the base. Typically, the conduit is attached to the housing base at this point.
The upper housing allows room to connect the probe to the extension cable. Excess cable can be coiled around the adjustable sleeve inside the housing cover prior to attaching the upper portion of the housing to the base.